nobody can be forbidden to work. this obvious understanding of basic human rights is justified also by the Article 23 of the Universal Declarataion of the Human Rights. (no similar article is included in the proposed European Constitution.)
this is one of the crucial points in the balance between developing and the developed countries. how can we demand free bussiness opportunities for western international corporations somwhere in africa or in asia if africans fleeding from wars and poverty are forbidden to work in europe and north america.
refugees have no lobby. violated right to work seems to be one of the publicly accepted means of domination of rich over poor. why such organisations like ILO oversee it ?
for me it seems a legal way might cause a true revolution. i am looking for support to bring this lawsuite to internationa tribunals. who can help me ?
the right to work
Regulamin forum
This forum ist closed due to its authors' naivity. It has been left read only as a documentation and warning.
This forum ist closed due to its authors' naivity. It has been left read only as a documentation and warning.